Joanne Rodrigues
Data Research Supervisor
State of California
Joanne Rodrigues is an experienced data scientist and enterprise manager with a master’s degree in Mathematics (London School of Economics), Demography (University of California, Berkeley), and Political Science (University of California, Berkeley), and a bachelor’s degree in International Political Economy (Georgetown University). She pioneered new techniques at Sony Playstation, led all of MeYou Health’s data science efforts, and founded a company ClinicPriceCheck.com, featured on TechCrunch Battlefield SF 2020. She has experience publishing and marketing technical books. Her latest technical book, Product Analytics: Applied Data Science Techniques for Actionable Consumer Insights, was part of Pearson’s Data and Analytics Series. She was the only solo female data science author for Pearson Education. This book has sold well during COVID (~6,000 copies thus far). Rodrigues created a video course based on this book for O’Reilly Professional.