Lightning Round: Top Tips and Tricks for Machine Learning


Friday, June 7, 2024


9:45 am


Phoenix Ballroom B


Ever wanted some really practical tips and tricks on how to make Machine Learning work for you? Perhaps a little less code and a bit more nuts and bolts? Maybe even some insider insights from a career spanning almost four decades? In this session, you will get lightning-fast, perfectly-practical prediction tips that you can apply right away. You don’t need a technical background for the session, and although practitioners are welcome. You will leave with insights you’re unlikely to hear anywhere else in this entertaining session.


Marina Petzel

Intelligent Labeling: Smart Data Annotation with Active Learning


Friday, June 7, 2024


10:10 am


In a data-rich world, efficiently labeling data for ML model training is a crucial challenge. As the demand for accuracy rises with the growing data flow, exploring intelligent approaches becomes vital for efficient collection and labeling of specialized niche data. Explore how to utilize the power of active learning to achieve a remarkable 1000% boost in data annotation efficiency. Discover how to integrate your customized active learning pipeline in AWS, enhancing model performance and optimizing the entire process for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

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