
Corwin Smith

Delivering data science in the “Real World” and learning from our mistakes


Friday, June 7, 2024


10:55 am


Phoenix Ballroom D


Our business partners are besieged by statements of how data science is the secret to “auto-magically” understanding customers and predicting their decisions. However, the Venn diagram defining data science to our business partners continues to explode with overlapping expectations and responsibilities, all while the practice evolves from an individualized to industrialized scale.
With a constantly changing landscape of ever advancing capabilities and tools, how’s a company to successfully deliver lasting and quantifiable value from data science engagements? By learning from our mistakes!
In this talk, Corwin Smith will share several real examples where, with the best of intentions (and approaches), data science projects failed, what we should have done differently and how we future proofed it from happening again.

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